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Sedation Dentistry – Carrollton, TX

Alleviate Dental Anxiety Safely & Effectively

Woman relaxing with sedation dentistry in Carrollton

Every day at Aegis Dental, we see patients of all ages who are anxious about visiting the dentist. Thankfully, our warm and friendly team is often enough to help them feel comfortable and relaxed in the chair. However, for patients who need a little more assistance to combat dental nerves, we can offer sedation dentistry in Carrollton. Whether you are visiting our office for a general cleaning or a dental procedure, Dr. Chandy is a sedation dentist who can alleviate dental anxiety safely and effectively, allowing you to be at ease during your appointment. From the moment you begin to feel the effects to the time it completely wears off, you will feel comfortable and free of any discomfort. To discover if sedation is right for you or your child, just  give us a call  today.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Closeup of nitrous oxide dental sedation in Carrollton

Nitrous oxide, better known as “laughing gas,” is a colorless, odorless gas that has been used for generations to help calm fearful dental patients. Considered a safe and effective method of sedation, nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask placed over the nose.

If you’re concerned it will put you to sleep, don’t be. Nitrous oxide is meant to relax you but also keep you aware, so you can answer any questions Dr. Chandy or our dental team may ask.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Sedation Work?

Two dentists performing dental work on a patient

Nitrous oxide is easy to use. In our office, a patient simply inhales the gas through a small nasal mask, and within a few minutes, they will begin to feel warm, happy, and maybe even like they are floating. The gas also lowers a person’s ability to feel any kind of discomfort. The mask will stay on for the entirety of the appointment, and once it is removed, the gas’ effects wear off almost instantly, allowing a patient to go back to their day without any lasting drowsiness.

You will not need to worry about having someone drop you off and pick you up from your appointment. That is how quickly you can get back to your regular routine.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

Candidate for nitrous oxide sedation dentistry in Carrollton smiling

One of the great benefits of this type of sedation is that almost anyone can receive it. Candidates who have any of the following might find nitrous oxide to be a suitable solution:

  • Dental anxiety
  • A phobia of needles
  • Difficulty being able to control your movement
  • Traumatic past dental experiences
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Difficulty with numbing agents

Unfortunately, there are situations when a patient might not be a qualified candidate for nitrous oxide. These scenarios include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Sinus congestion can inhibit the full effects of sedation
  • Certain medications, so make sure you provide a complete list of medication to your dentist prior to receiving treatment of any kind
  • Respiratory disease, as it can lead to lung complications

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Aftercare

Woman feeling relaxed after nitrous oxide dental sedation in Carrollton

Throughout your appointment, you’ll be conscious enough to answer simple questions, but will otherwise be completely oblivious to the sights, sounds, and other sensations that would typically cause you discomfort. Once the mask is removed, you’ll return to your normal level of consciousness in just a matter of minutes. While some patients may feel a little dizzy or nauseous for a short amount of time, most patients feel no side effects afterwards at all! You’ll be free to drive yourself home and continue on with the rest of your day uninterrupted.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Candidate for sedation dentistry in Carrollton giving a thumbs up

Over the past several decades, sedation dentistry has helped countless patients get the dental care they need. The American Dental Association officially recognizes dental sedation as a safe and effective option for the majority of patients. However, we will always meet with you for a consultation beforehand to ensure that sedation dentistry is the best choice for you.

During this appointment, we’ll take the time to get to know you and have a conversation about your concerns. Then, we’ll review your medical history and current health. This information will give us a full picture of your well-being and let us know if sedation dentistry is right for you.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

a patient receiving sedation dentistry

Our team understands that you might have questions about sedation dentistry that you’d like answered before you feel comfortable about committing to treatment. Our team has gathered a few of the most frequently asked questions that we receive about sedation dentistry along with their respective answers so that you can inform yourself and put any doubts you have to rest. If you have any other questions about sedation dentistry that aren’t listed below, feel free to contact us today for additional assistance.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Sedation dentistry is a perfectly safe option for most patients so long as it’s performed by a trained and licensed medical professional. Most people can manage nitrous oxide without any concerns since it’s the mildest form of this kind of treatment. However, oral conscious sedation and IV sedation may not be suitable for everyone, as certain health issues or medications can sometimes interfere with the intended effects. Our team can review your medical history to determine whether sedation is a good option for you.

Will I Feel Any Pain with Dental Sedation?

Sedation dentistry can effectively suppress your body’s ability to register pain. Even if you experience some discomfort, you are more likely to feel pressure than outright pain. Depending on your procedure, your dentist may also numb your mouth with a local anesthetic to ensure you remain comfortable and pain-free throughout your treatment.

Can Dental Sedation Make You Sick?

It’s pretty rare for patients to grow ill after receiving nitrous oxide sedation; while some people can experience mild nausea or lightheadedness, it’s typically short-lived. Oral conscious sedation and IV sedation are much stronger, so there is a slightly increased chance of encountering side effects. To minimize your risks of a complication, our team will usually recommend that you fast or refrain from eating several hours before your appointment, or scheduling your appointment early in the day.

How Long Does Dental Sedation Last?

One of the primary benefits of using nitrous oxide for dental procedures is that both the timing and dosage can be easily and accurately controlled. Once the nasal mask has been applied, it won’t take long to begin feeling the effects of the gas. However, once the dental work has been completed and the mask is removed, the patient will merely have to take a couple of deep breaths to begin enjoying mental clarity within a few minutes.